Wednesday 4 June 2014

The Best Way to Prevent Yeast Infections From Antibiotics

Considering the fact that all antibiotics attack both the bacteria that are affecting your health and the bacteria that keeps you vagina healthy, the chances of developing yeast infections are quite high. When taking antibiotics, women can use the same day-to-day practices to prevent yeast infections. These practices consist of following some simple dietary advices, maintaining a proper hygiene and wearing the proper clothes during the periods when they take antibiotics.

Following some simple dietary tips
  1. According to professional doctors, consuming yogurt is recommended during these periods since it can help women avoid yeast infections. Lactobacillus acidophilus is a common bacterium responsible for maintaining a balanced chemistry in the vagina, and it can also be found in yogurt. To keep this bacterium at normal levels, and prevent the development of Candida albicans, all women should consume yogurt when taking antibiotics.
You need to make sure that the type of yogurt that you purchase contains Lactobacillus acidophilus, considering the fact that not all brands include this ingredient on their list. You should opt for plain yogurts.
When taking antibiotics, you will need to consume at least one serving of yogurt on a daily basis. It is also recommended to continue with the consumption even if you have stopped taking the antibiotics to eliminate all risks of developing yeast infections.
  1. Try to consume fermented foods. Apart from yogurt, there are also other effective foods that can help you prevent yeast infections. Some examples include kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha, and fermented tea. All these foods contain important ingredients and probiotics that help maintain a proper balance of your system.
You will find numerous companies that have decided to add probiotics into their products simply because they help regulate our digestive system. Visit your local store and search for cheese, huices, cereal and granola bars that include probiotics.
People that dislike eating yogurt of fermented foods can also benefit from the advantages of probiotics by searching for probiotics supplements. Even though they come in the form of pills, they contain the identical healthy bacteria that can be found in the foods mentioned previously.
  1. Eat lots of garlic. This amazing natural food can help you stay clear of infections due to its antifungal properties. Therefore, you should add this herb on your diet`s list in case you are on antibiotics. If you are scared that your breath will smell like garlic, you can opt for garlic supplements.
To prevent yeast infections, a big number of women simply apply garlic directly to the vagina. You can do the same by wrapping a peeled clove of garlic in a small piece of cheesecloth. After you have tied it off, a tail should remain available on the end. The tail will be used to easily remove the cheesecloth from your vagina after a couple of hours of usage.

  1. Search for goldenseal supplements. This type of supplement is also very efficient in combating yeast infections. However, you need to pay a visit to your local doctor before you decide to take this herbal supplement.
  2. Lower the sugar consumption. Sugar favors extra yeast growth, especially when it is consumed in high amounts. Therefore, you should eliminate all foods or soft drinks that are rich in sugar and replace them with fruits or raw honey.
  3. Stay aware from foods fermented with yeast. Even though there is no clear evidence that alcoholic beverages, breads, and other foods made with yeast can lead to yeast infections, it is recommended to limit the intake of these foods.
For  more information on how to prevent & eliminate yeast infection whilst on antibiotics, click here

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